
Sectional heater

Sectional heater (heat exchanger) TC-PS

Designed for heating sugar production products, both in the processing of sugar beets and raw sugar. 

Multi-section condensate collector

Multi-section condensate collector TS-SKM

Designed for collecting condensate from heat exchange equipment, cooling CHP feed condensates and ammonia condensate to a given temperature. Condensate collection is performed on the principle of approximately equal potentials, cooling is stepwise. Used in the processing of sugar beets and raw sugar. The number of sections depends on the temperature of the condensate supplied to the CHP deaerators, and can vary from 5 to 12.

Pressure mixer for master batch

Pressure mixer of master masseuse TS-MNK

Designed for accumulation and mixing of master masseuse before feeding it into the devices. The pressure mixer is equipment of the scheme of two-stage method of masseuse boiling and an integral part of the scheme of masseuse boiling A (B and C) of products based on master masseuse.

Vertical crystallizer with moving heat exchange surface

Vertical crystallizer with a moving surface TC-VК

Designed for additional crystallization of sugar by cooling the mass of the final product. The device is installed outside the main building on a small open area.

Sugar cooler

TC-OS Sugar Cooler

Designed for cooling sugar after the drying unit by direct contact with the heat exchange surface. It is used in the processing of sugar beets and raw sugar at sugar industry enterprises. Usually, water is used as a cooling agent, which is supplied from a closed circuit of the cooler or from an open source of chilled water.

Condenser of mass vapor of vacuum apparatuses A and B, C products

Condenser of massague vapor of vacuum apparatuses A and B, C of TC-KUP products

Designed for condensation of massague vapor of vacuum apparatuses and secondary vapor of the last stage of evaporation of the evaporation station, creation of the necessary rarefaction to ensure the specified temperature regime of boiling of sugar production products. Also used in distillation and other food industry installations.

Wet gas cleaning device

TC-SV wet gas cleaning device

Designed for dust collection in wet gas cleaning systems, widely used in other sectors of the food and chemical industries, and energy. The new series of TC-SV devices for cleaning dusty air and other gas-air mixtures provides high efficiency and ease of operation.

Wet sugar chain elevator

Wet sugar chain elevator TS-ESK

Designed for continuous vertical movement of wet sugar in buckets fixed at a certain pitch on traction chains.

Bulk sugar storage warehouse

TC-SS bulk sugar storage warehouse

Designed for bulk long-term storage of granulated sugar with a usable capacity of 50,000 tons.

Sugar cooler

TC-OS Sugar Cooler

Designed for cooling sugar after the drying unit by direct contact with the heat exchange surface. It is used in the processing of sugar beets and raw sugar at sugar industry enterprises. Usually, water is used as a cooling agent, which is supplied from a closed circuit of the cooler or from an open source of chilled water.

Conveyor and washing water settling tank

TC-OTM conveyor and washing water clarifier

Designed for clarification of polluted water by mechanical precipitation of polydisperse particles into sediment. In sugar factories it is used to remove tops, roots, solid impurities and suspended particles of soil from conveyor and washing water in order to reduce water losses with the removed sediment. Can be used together with existing conveyor and washing water purification equipment in the food, chemical and other industries

Screw sand washer

Screw sand washer TC-SPP

Designed for washing and removing sand after lime milk cleaning cyclones or in the purging scheme of defecation station devices.

Cartridge type filter

TC-FPI cartridge filter

Designed for filtering juices of I and II saturation in sugar beet production, as well as saturated bleaching in raw sugar processing. With appropriate equipment and software, the filter can be used for filtering concentrated syrup. The filter can be used in other branches of the food and chemical industries.

Film type evaporator

Evaporator of film type TC-AVP

Designed for evaporation of water from the product (increasing the concentration of the product). Can be used as a component of an evaporation station at any stage of evaporation.

Periodic vacuum apparatus

Vacuum apparatus of periodic action TC-VA

Designed for boiling massecuite of all degrees of crystallization under vacuum during the processing of beet or raw sugar at sugar industry enterprises.

Condenser of mass vapor of vacuum apparatuses A and B, C products

Condenser of massague vapor of vacuum apparatuses A and B, C of TC-KUP products

Designed for condensation of massague vapor of vacuum apparatuses and secondary vapor of the last stage of evaporation of the evaporation station, creation of the necessary rarefaction to ensure the specified temperature regime of boiling of sugar production products. Also used in distillation and other food industry installations.

Mixer-accumulator for storing crystal seed

Mixer-accumulator for storing crystal seed TC-MKS

Designed for storing the finished alcohol emulsion. It can be placed in the laboratory or directly in the crystallization department.

Mill for preparing crystal seed

TC-MP Crystal Seed Mill

Designed for the preparation of liquid seed – an alcohol emulsion, which is used as a crystal base when boiling massefies.