
Development of design and project documentation
The main principles that guide our specialists in their work are:
- individual approach,
- flexible layout solutions,
- innovative solutions,
- high level of standardization and unification of products - ease of current repairs and further modernization of equipment,
- taking into account the technology of manufacturing, operation and repair of exclusive equipment.

Our goal - High technical and economic indicators
Special attention is paid to the economical use of energy resources, water, consumables, as well as reducing emissions into the environment.
Teplokom's service scope:
- technological and energy audit of the enterprise,
- development of pre-project solutions,
- feasibility study of the project,
- commissioning and adjustment works
- staff training.

Full or partial plant reconstruction
For the effective implementation of the enterprise reconstruction project, we select, assemble and supply equipment of both domestic and foreign production.
Thanks to cooperation with many European manufacturers, we have the opportunity to supply not only new equipment,
but also used equipment in perfect working condition.
Три Е від Компанії Теплоком:
- Досягаємо
- Зменшення витрат при збільшенні продуктивності підприємства
- Зменшення викидів у навколишнє середовище при мінімальних витратах тощо
Високо-кваліфікований персонал
У компанії плідно працює понад 40 фахівців високої кваліфікації.
Провідні спеціалісти є авторами науково-технічних розробок,
мають наукові публікації,
авторські свідоцтва на винаходи.
І локальна, і комплексна модернізація
включно з автоматизацією технологічних процесів, поставкою, монтажем потрібного обладнання,
та зі здачею об’єкта “під ключ”
Additional services

Installation work
- Assembly / dismantling of main and auxiliary technological equipment of varying complexity
- Manufacture and installation of metal structures of any type and purpose with fixation by welding methods or on high-strength bolts
- Installation of water and steam pipelines, strapping of units and boiler plants
- Assembly / dismantling / repair of pressure vessels
- Manufacture of foundations, general construction works.

Automation of technological processes
Want to get
- reduction of labor costs,
- improvement of production conditions,
- increase in output volumes,
- improvement of product quality.
Contact us and the processes at your enterprise will be automated qualitatively and on time.