We identify all reserves for increasing the technical and economic indicators of existing schemes and equipment of the plant.
We implement proven solutions for the rational use or disposal of sugar factory waste.
We offer original energy-saving solutions and technologies for the modernization of food industry enterprises, covering the entire technological production cycle.
Our equipment
Equipment for food industry enterprises, in particular sugar factories, is a priority area of our activity: Heaters, Filters, Multi-collectors, Scalders of diffusion apparatus ribbons, Apparatus for preliminary progressive defecation, etc.

Heat exchange
- Evaporators and vacuum apparatuses
- Heaters
- Heat exchangers
- Condensate collectors (multi-collector)

- Scalders for column diffusion apparatus
- Vertical crystallizers
- Sugar dryers and coolers
- Filtration

Transportation and storage
- Conveyors
- Elevators
- Bundled storage of finished products
Our services
In the sugar industry, the scope of services of “Teplokom” covers the entire technological cycle of production.
Design, engineering, implementation, installation and automation – we do it qualitatively and according to the agreed deadlines.

- Project (stage P)
- Working documentation (stage RD)

- Development Concept
- Feasibility Study

- Technical supervision
- Start-up and adjustment works
- Personnel training
Our articles
Useful information about the industry.
Our company news

Article 1
We identify all reserves for increasing the technical and economic indicators of existing schemes and equipment of the plant. We implement proven solutions for the